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Valeria Calafiore Healy


Valeria Calafiore Healy practices as a litigation attorney, representing corporate clients and individuals in commercial and complex litigation and white-collar criminal matters. Ms. Calafiore Healy’s experience and current practice includes:


  • General commercial litigation, including litigation relating to business torts and corporate transactions;


  • Class actions and other complex litigation, including litigation arising under antitrust, RICO, federal securities laws, employment and related statutes;


  • White-collar criminal defense and investigations involving federal crimes with a foreign or cross-border component, including FCPA, antitrust, wire fraud, RICO, money laundering, online gaming and related matters.


New York



District Courts

Southern District of New York

District of Columbia

Appellate Courts
2nd Circuit
3rd Circuit

9th Circuit

11th Circuit
Federal Circuit

United States Supreme Court



Before Healy LLC

Before founding Healy LLC, Ms. Calafiore Healy practiced as a litigation attorney in the New York office of Clifford Chance. While there, Ms. Calafiore Healy represented corporate clients and executives in complex litigation and cross-border and multi-jurisdictional criminal matters, and was a member of Clifford Chance’s litigation and defense team in the following representative matters:


  • Thule AB in litigation arising out of corporate transaction;

  • Bridgestone Corporation in antitrust and FCPA investigation involving industrial engineered products;

  • Neteller Corporation in a federal criminal investigation relating to online gaming laws;

  • Mohawk Industries in RICO class action litigation involving the hiring of illegal immigrants;

  • Security Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York in litigation concerning life insurance products and district attorney’s investigation;

  • Trust Company of the West in commercial litigation arising out of North Sea oil drilling venture;

  • Asian client in a criminal antitrust investigation involving the transportation industry;

  • Oil industry consultant in connection with criminal investigation over an international venture in Nigeria;

  • Oil company in connection with antitrust issues arising out of a market allocation agreement;

  • Members of private equity firm in connection with FCPA investigation;

  • Multinational companies in various SEC and DOJ investigations;

  • Multinational companies in complex litigation matters, including class actions under RICO, antitrust, securities and other laws;

  • Medical devices company in civil antitrust litigation, also involving patent infringement counterclaims and defenses;

  • Financial services corporation in antitrust litigation involving price-fixing, tying and exclusive dealing class action claims;

  • Asian conglomerate in dispute arising out of exclusive dealership and related antitrust issues.

Representative Matters and Decisions

The York Group, Matthews International Corp., Milso Industries Inc. v. Scott Pontone, Harry Pontone, Pontone Casket Company and Batesville Casket Company, Inc., US District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania, 2:10-cv-01078 (representing the Pontone defendants):



  • February 2, 2011 – Obtained dismissal of claim for breach of an alleged “implied covenant of a seller” that sought to restrain former executive of a selling business from forever soliciting customers of the seller, despite the existence of an express covenant not to solicit customers that was limited in time. (Bench ruling)


While at Clifford Chance, Ms. Calafiore Healy was lead litigation counsel in the following representative litigation:


  • Thule AB v. Advanced Accessory Holdings Corp., No. 09-cv-00091, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 54441 (S.D.N.Y. June 1, 2010) (CPK) (representing Thule AB) (granting Thule’s motion for reconsideration and entering summary judgment in favor of Thule).


  • Thule AB v. Advanced Accessory Holdings Corp., No. 09-cv-00091, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 75021 (S.D.N.Y. May 4, 2010) (CPK) (finding that Thule was entitled to receive escrow funds as indemnification payment for bankrupt buyers' failure to pay purchase price adjustment).


  • Thule AB v. Advanced Accessory Holdings Corp., No. 09-cv-00091, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 45046 (S.D.N.Y. July 21, 2010) (CPK) (awarding Thule attorney's fees and 9% pre-judgment interest).


  • Resolving appeal by Defendants from foregoing judgments with a final settlement awarding Thule a total sum in excess of the judgment awarded by the District Court in the foregoing decisions.


Ms. Calafiore Healy was a member of the Clifford Chance litigation team in the following representative litigation:


  • Garber v. Legg Mason Inc. and Citigroup Global Markets, 537 F. Supp. 2d 597 (S.D.N.Y. 2008) (representing Citigroup) (granting motion to dismiss class action alleging an illegal scheme to defraud investors in violation of securities laws), affirmed, 2009 U.S. App. LEXIS 21404 (2d Cir. Sept. 30, 2009).


  • Barclays Bank PLC v. Barclays Capital Markets LLC and Mayfair Advisors LTD, No. 05-cv-7035, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Jan. 19, 2007) (representing Barclays Bank) (obtained damages, attorney’s fees, and a permanent injunction on behalf of Barclays Bank PLC for trademark infringement and cyber-piracy violations).

Pro Bono

Throughout her career Ms. Calafiore Healy has devoted substantial time to the representation of pro bono clients in worthy causes in both federal and state litigation. For her commitment and results obtained on behalf of her pro bono clients, in 2006 Ms. Calafiore Healy received the Clifford Chance Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award.

Beyond the Firm

Ms. Calafiore Healy grew up in Italy, where she earned a graduate degree in Political Science/International Relations from the University of Catania. Ms. Calafiore Healy also received a Juris Doctor and a Master’s degree from the University of New Hampshire School of Law (formerly Franklin Pierce Law Center). Prior to joining Clifford Chance, Ms. Calafiore Healy clerked for the Honorable Arthur J. Gajarsa in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and for the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy at the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Ms. Calafiore Healy lives in Manhattan with her husband John, an M&A lawyer.

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